Sunday, January 23, 2011

This Sucks

I remain an optimist about the world. This may reinforce my basic optimisim, but it is nonetheless just disturbing:

They work as doctors and lawyers by day but lurk as vampires by night. While they may not wish to suck your blood, there are plenty of willing victims on tap, says the nation's top scholar on a subculture that emulates the undead.

Idaho State University sociologist D.J. Williams, newly hired as a consultant for a proposed television documentary about "self-identified vampires," said true modern acolytes of Dracula seek consensual blood-sharing relationships.

This is actually why I'm an optimist. With people like this, you'd think that the world couldn't possibly work at all. But people like this do exist. And they get their day jobs done. Then go all freaky weird at night, of course, but that's another matter altogether.

The fact that the world works as well as it does never ceases to amaze me given the number of psychological walking wounded who make it up.