Sunday, January 23, 2011

ROC Tease

Taiwan's NextTV has a weather girl contest going on:

Hosted on NextTV, the Weather Girls Forecast features 7 lusciously hot bunnies tasked with keeping American and Taiwanese men up to date on weather conditions. Each bunny handles a different day[.]
Videos here. And yes, it is hot in here, now that you mention it.

As an American TV viewer, I can say we here are so much more enriched having meteorologists with their Doppler radar and Accuweather forecasts and all that science can bring to the issue.

Cute young women in bunny suits giving me the temperature for tomorrow? I've evolved beyond that, surely.

UPDATE: I changed the link to the videos to a better link.

UPDATE: Oh, to be clear, I have not evolved beyond this. And stop calling me 'Shirley.'