Monday, February 13, 2012

Justifying Retreat

Oh great, some Congresscritter wants to set up an Afghanistan/Pakistan Study Group:

Citing an Army lieutenant colonel’s claims that there is no progress being made in Afghanistan, Rep. Frank Wolf, R-Va., is urging Defense Secretary Leon Panetta to create an independent study group to review U.S. strategy in the sandbox.

In a letter dated Friday, Wolf wrote he is deeply troubled by the conclusions reached by Lt. Col. Daniel Davis and asks Panetta to immediately create an Afghanistan/Pakistan Study Group.

Don't get your panties in a twist over those conclusions. We've seen this level of panic before. And the representative in question authored the legislation creating the Iraq Study Group.

Just to remind you, the Iraq Study Group report was a cover for retreat from Iraq. We won in Iraq by ignoring the Iraq Study Group's recommendations.

Besides, what's the point when the Obama administration is already committed to leaving Afghanistan?