Saturday, June 22, 2024

Will Putin Finally Accept God's Gift?

Russia's sole carrier Kuznetsov is pining for the fjords and Putin seems unlikely to revive it.

The death watch begins:

That Kuznetsov missed her projected start date for post-overhaul sea trials is an ominous sign for the Russian navy’s dwindling aviation capability. For years, experts have speculated that Kuznetsov would never deploy again. That’s looking increasingly likely as the vessel lingers in port.

Kuznetsov has completed just seven patrols since her commissioning 33 years ago. By the standards of other carrier-equipped navies, that’s not a very impressive deployment rate. 

Honestly, I think Putin should have accepted the gift from God to be rid of that rotting remnant of past naval glories that aren't coming back:

Will Russia waste even more money to fix this smoking tenement with a flight deck despite God reaching out his hand against that POS white elephant?

God, I hope so! Fixing that ship is such a waste of resources that I can't believe Russians bother with the ship.
But it may be more expedient to keep the hull in place and periodically make empty grandiose announcements about new measures to send the glorious symbol of Russian power to sea again. 

NOTE: TDR Winter War of 2022 coverage continues here.

NOTE: I'm adding updates on the Last Hamas War in this post.