Friday, June 07, 2024

America Pretends Iran Isn't Waging War on America

How can progressives believe mullah-run Iran is just a friend America hasn't tried hard enough to make?

We must inflict never-ending pain on Iran--not just on its expendable proxies

The U.S. and Britain struck 13 Houthi targets in several locations in Yemen on Thursday in response to a recent surge in attacks by the Iran-backed militia group on ships in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden[.]
Iran continues to wage war on America and we don't want to admit it. Remember when Smart Diplomacy® returned in early 2021?

The Biden administration gets its first two-fer by aiding our enemy Iran and harming our ally Saudi Arabia.

Biden grants his first big favor to Iran

President Joe Biden is cutting off US support for "offensive operations" in Yemen and appointing a special envoy to push for a diplomatic solution to end the six-year civil war.

When Biden was vice president, the administration ideal was "leading from behind" where allies fought wars that benefited America. The Saudis did that and now Biden will punish them for fighting the Iran-backed Houthi in Yemen.

Lack of American support and ammunition will make Saudi air strikes less accurate and more likely to cause unintentional civilian casualties. Which helps the Houthis. Which makes Iran's nutball mullahs smile and bask in the knowledge that they always knew Allah would rescue them from the Great Satan. 

The administration justification is that "This war has to end." Sure. But it would be nice if America didn't help our enemies end the war with a victory. Gosh, I sure missed "Smart Diplomacy!"

It is really so strange--totally unexpected, really--that it failed! 

The United States finds that its record of pro-Iran objectives are interfering with getting open and full Arab cooperation in resisting Iran's proxy maritime offensive in the Red Sea and Horn of Africa.  

So we didn't make mullah-run Iran a friend; and our allies worried about Iran are skittish about relying on America to fight Iran's proxies. Normally being hit with the reality stick as much as we've been battered since 2009--with that exception from 2017 through 2020--would lead us to reconsider our policy.

But Biden can't quit the mullahs.

NOTE: TDR Winter War of 2022 coverage continues here.

NOTE: I'm adding updates on the Last Hamas War in this post.