Friday, January 22, 2021

Once More, Let's Mow the EU Bullshit

America should never support a European Union military.

This is just so backassward that I can't conceive of how a sentient being can make the argument:

President Joe Biden’s early foreign-policy agenda might include resetting America’s relationship with Europe. Washington might specifically reconsider its stance toward the prospect of a Europe capable of what French President Emmanuel Macron refers to as strategic autonomy. 

Washington has bristled at this notion in the past, viewing it as a threat to its influence and dominance, especially when the advocate for European autonomy is France. This could be a mistake. The Biden administration might do better to take seriously the prospect of Europe as a (potentially great) power, and welcome it.

And why? Two reasons:

The reasons for welcoming a strong European defense community are many. First, the United States cannot stand alone. ...

Second, a stronger and more independent Europe may take shape whether the United States likes it or not. 

I'm open-mouth and slack-jawed in my level of dumbfoundment. And not just that the "many" reasons for welcoming a EU military are actually "two."

The first reason is stunningly wrong. The alternative to a EU military is not America standing alone. We have NATO. Which is the military alliance that has defended Europe and promoted European freedom since the Cold War started. Don't let the EU elites confuse the difference between geographic Europe which is the basis for NATO and political Europe which is the basis for an empire.

And any autonomous EU military will naturally subtract resources from the proven military alliance that has defended Europe. Nothing inherent to NATO prevents Europeans from building stronger military power.

Further, NATO does not prevent European countries from sharing weapon production to gain efficiency. So that is a BS reason to gut NATO to fund a EU military. 

As for the second reason, we're supposed to lie back and think of nuance as the inevitable EU military is formed? 

What Euro-elite apparatchiki want is the "autonomous" part and they don't care if the military they get is stronger than what European countries contribute through NATO now. The purpose of a EU military is to gut NATO and therefore eject American influence from the continent.

And don't you for a minute forget what American influence since 1945 has provided:

It is easy to forget--and this was a useful reminder to me--that Europe with its autocracies and monarchies was not fully part of a free West (although obviously part of the Western tradition) until we rebuilt Western Europe in that template after World War II. And NATO expansion after defeating the Soviet Union was more explicit in demanding democracy and rule of law for new members.

The European Union is a proto-imperial project that is anti-American at its core. It desperately wants to erase the prefix. If Europe reverts to its pre-American era ways you can expect democracy to erode across the continent.

America struggled mightily to prevent a Kaiser, a Nazi, and Commissars from controlling the vast economic, demographic, scientific, and military power of Europe. America should not try to encourage the Euro apparatchiki from gaining that kind of control.

It is not much of an overstatement to say the EU must die with festering boils.