Saturday, January 09, 2021

Violent Bookends

The Trump presidency is ending with a riot. Let's not forget it started with a riot--by his opponents.

Right now I'm getting pissed at the Democrats. They spent the summer and fall defending, justifying, and denying the Antifa/BLM riots--even bailing out the rioters or just releasing them without prosecution!--and now Democrats are condemning all Republicans for the criminal actions of a few on one day?! 

To Hell with the Democrats. Republicans are condemning the Capitol Hill assault. And Republicans did that quickly. Let's recall how Pelosi's House of Representatives viewed violent riots in the ancient history of last summer (Tip to Instapundit). It was a "summer of love" as one clueless/complicit Democratic mayor explained.

I full expected those Trump supporters who went to WDC for an election protest to behave themselves and lawfully protest. Those who did not should be prosecuted. Don't you dare act as if collective punishment should be meted out for this incident after what Democrats did over many months in regard to the Antifa/BLM riots and territorial takeovers. I won't be shamed by the mote in the Republicans' eye when Democrats ignore the plank in their own. So yeah, enough with the outrage. Do read all of that one. I'll be damned if I'll be shamed over violence I reject while Democrats embraced violence as justified.

Heck, I had forgotten about the anti-Trump rioting at his inauguration which I noted in a January 2017 data dump

I don't understand why liberals are in full Nazi fear mode over Trump. Other than this is what they do for any Republican, obviously. I have problems with Trump over his liberalism and statism on so many things--but otherwise he is not outside a standard deviation from the norm policy-wise. It's not like the Democrats didn't give us a similar man before. But no, liberals turn it up to "11" every time, which explains why leftists tend to be the ones rioting and otherwise disturbing the peace (the post-inauguration "women's" march of liberal women and their men's auxiliary was peaceful, I should note). But the anarchists and their communist brethren have discovered one big change--the authorities aren't handling the crimes committed while flinging flaming "democracy" through windows with kid gloves any more. Good. Pity every journalist won't take every opportunity to ask Democratic officials if they reject this kind of violence. Tips to Instapundit.

Those 2017 inauguration day rioters just look like Democratic street muscle in retrospect, eh? It had faded from an outrage on inauguration day to just one more violent temper tantrum by the Resistance. Democrats weren't ashamed of what was done in their name. Democrats didn't condemn it. Democrats praised that Resistance and doubled down, spending four years trying to get rid of Trump who was portrayed as the Orange Hitler. And with less then two weeks to go in the Trump term of office which he has promised to peacefully transition to Biden now, Democrats still want to eject Trump!

You can tell the Capitol Building incident was a spontaneous act of frustration at not being listened to and treated like nobodies--it's good to be a leftist one percenter because you can crap on blue collar people and be celebrated--because if it was a planned assault it would have looked more like those Antifa operations that set up autonomous zones. There were few efforts by the Capitol Building mob to destroy and no preparations to defend and hold the Capitol Building areas they seem to have wandered around in for a few hours before being arrested and herded out. It was a shameful display. But it didn't have the organization and planning of a student take-over of a college president's office. 

So don't act like this was a coup attempt. It was appalling. But calling it a coup or insurrection is just a stupid take on the issue unless it is an effort to gin up an excuse to crack down on domestic opponents now classified as enemies. Never let a crisis go to waste, indeed. Everybody needs to just step back and take a breath to endorse rule of law.

And let me just say that not having television news and opinion to actually hear politicians and media partisans froth over this with no memory of recent history has done wonders to maintain my calm. I imagine the same would be true for avoiding social media if I used social media. Just reading about it is disappointing and aggravating enough, even if it took me a little longer to register what was going on. I highly recommend tuning out the noise for mental health's sake.

We'll get through this. But it will be rough

UPDATE: Silly me. I didn't realize charges were dropped for those inauguration protesters

UPDATE: OMG! CBS advertised an interview with Pelosi about what it was like during the "Constitutional crisis" of the Capitol Hill riot! 

Are these people complete morons? There was no Constitutional crisis! It was a crime, people. 

I really don't think CBS understands anything. Or if they do understand what happened, they are just awful people trying to make things worse by pretending this was a Constitutional crisis.  

This too was a crime yet not a Constitutional crisis.Via Instapundit.