Wednesday, January 06, 2021

End This Madness!

The pro-Trump protests against the election process on Wednesday are fully justified and fully protected by our rights to assemble and petition the government. But the participants who decided to be indistinguishable from Antifa should be ashamed of themselves

And just like that, if the actions themselves aren't enough to be outraged over, Republican chances to regain control of Congress in 2022 just dropped tremendously. 

President Trump needs to urge calm protest. And by the time this is published, I hope he did. [And he did rather quickly.] 

You won't find me being less contemptuous of this crap than I am over Antifa/BLM riots, killings, and arson. And--while this is not a defense of the mob action in Washington, D.C. in any way--maybe if the protesters hadn't seen leftist mobs getting away with violence for months on end they wouldn't have thought they can get away with it.

Trump has ordered National Guard troops and federal officers to deal with this

UPDATE: We'll get through this. Our democracy is not at risk. Let's just hope those who formed a mob are dispersed without loss of life.

UPDATE: Just as months of riots and arson tarnished and discredited needed police reform, this pro-Trump riot will tarnish and discredit real concerns over the voting process.

UPDATE: It sounds like Guard troops won't be used directly to deal with rioters. But the Guard will be able to free up civilian law enforcement. Also, President Trump will soon release taped message to calm the ef down.

UPDATE: It doesn't look like many actually entered the Capitol Building. Those outside who still want to simply protest should disperse in order to disassociate themselves from the mob inside. The mob shouldn't think they are supported by those outside.

UPDATE: The video looked good. He attempted to make sure the rioters understand that the president agrees with their concerns while opposing the mob action, and urging them to go home. 

It would have been less effective and possibly counter-productive if at this moment he had attacked the mob verbally and rejected them. Now those who broke in to the Capitol Building have an excuse to think better of their action and just calm the ef down.

UPDATE: The problem seems contained. It seems like actual protesters are dispersing. That's good.

Rule of law is not threatened. The offenders will be prosecuted.

UPDATE: It sounds like state capital protests aren't turning into riots. Good.

UPDATE: Governor Cuomo is wrong. This was not an attempted coup. It was an expression of frustration. A misguided expression that turned violent. But no coup. Cuomo is just writing another Tyrant Porn story while he can.

UPDATE: The process continued in Congress. The attack does not stop it.

There have been other attacks on Congress. That there were six more does not make this one less shameful. But it does show that American democracy is not put at risk.

UPDATE: Related thoughts.

UPDATE: In the long run we need more assurances that our elections are accurate and clean. 

Trump supporters lawfully protested and sparked a small mob that threatened the Capitol Building--because they did not trust the integrity of the election. Trump opponents spent four years attempting to remove Trump with legal and illegal means--because they did not trust the integrity of the election. Democrats challenged Bush 43 victories in two election outcomes because they did not trust the integrity of the elections. 

The confidence is clearly shot across the political spectrum. And dismissing the concerns of Trump supporters over the election process the last two months was a mistake. And remember, before the election there was widespread concern that leftists like Antifa would riot in the streets if Trump had won. And Democrats accused Trump of rigging the election--including the ludicrous notion he was stealing mailboxes!

We clearly need transparency in the process that allows us to maintain the strength of our system--confidence that losing an election is legitimate because you will have a fair shot the next election; and safe because rule of law will protect you from the tyranny of the majority.

UPDATE: Sudden respect for #BlueDutyMatters

UPDATE: Yes, I understand that after a summer and fall of Antifa/BLM riots, arson, murder, and occupation that the Democrats and media sugar coated while denying the violence it is difficult to listen to Democratic/media outrage over the relatively small number of protesters who became a mob for a short time--with violence far less than Antifa/BLM inflicted.

But I've been consistent in distinguishing between legitimate protests and violent riots over many months in response to police-related violence then and this incident.

So I defend Republican refusal to portray the short occupation of the Capitol Building as just an aspect of a so-called Winter of Love. It is not an abandonment of Trump supporters who do not trust the integrity of the election. It is good to be consistent on this issue.

And no, I don't expect Democrats to be as consistent. But that's on them and I won't be tarnished by copying them.

UPDATE: A woman who was shot by police during the Capitol Building incident died. I can with a lot of confidence say that our cities won't face months of violence in her name. Nor will our media convert her into a secular saint with a virtual state funeral in her honor.

And I guess that's about all I have to say about this.

UPDATE: Okay, one more. But I didn't imagine it would get to this point of stupid. Democrats calling for the removal of Trump from office by impeachment or the 25th Amendment when he has just about two weeks to go are insane. 

A lot of Americans think the presidential election was rigged. And that includes a lot of Democrats! You heal the nation by making the election process trustworthy and not by stomping on the Republicans who--because they lost--need reassurance of the integrity of the process. 

The election may very well have been clean. I hope it was and I haven't seen evidence to prove it wasn't. But it sure smelled to high Heaven. 

All this Democratic attack on Trump is doing is proving to Trump supporters that the Democrats have had it in for Trump from the start and will do anything to destroy him--and his supporters along with him, as Democrats' shameful calls for collective guilt against all Republicans for what a few did essentially does. 

Think, people, think! Don't make the Capitol Hill storming worse than it was. We all need to calm the ef down. Let's heed the words of Lincoln.