Friday, March 09, 2018

Thank Goodness Tail Fins are Now Out of Style

The author who coined the term "Gerasimov Doctrine" which came to describe the fad of "hybrid warfare" has apologized:

Everywhere, you’ll find scholars, pundits, and policymakers talking about the threat the “Gerasimov doctrine” — named after Russia’s chief of the general staff — poses to the West. It’s a new way of war, “an expanded theory of modern warfare,” or even “a vision of total warfare.”

There’s one small problem. It doesn’t exist. And the longer we pretend it does, the longer we misunderstand the — real, but different — challenge Russia poses.

You didn't read me droning on about that exciting "new" (and improved!) warfare here, and I never went along with the hybrid war nonsense.

And I never believed that Ukraine demonstrated that so-called new warfare.