Saturday, March 15, 2014

Yet Nobody's Laughing

You have to admire the nerve of Russia in twisting events to justify their actions against Ukraine.

In Donetsk, in eastern Ukraine, a large pro-Russian crowd spewing anger got past the police to assault a small pro-Ukraine rally on March 13th. The only fatality was a pro-Ukraine demonstrator.

Russia's foreign ministry reported the event:

"Armed right-wing radical groups [Ed. Note: Pro-Ukrainian protesters] attacked peaceful demonstrators [Ed. Note: Pro-Russian demonstrators], who wanted to express their attitude towards the destructive position of people who named themselves as the Ukrainian authorities. As a result of the clashes, one person died and many people were injured.”

I'm reminded of an old Soviet-era joke told by Russians (I learned it in Russian language class in college):

Sweden was holding a diplomatic function, which both the American and Soviet ambassadors to Sweden attended. The Russian ambassador challenged the American to a foot race. The American ambassador won the race.

The Americans put out a press release about the event and function that stated:

At a Swedish diplomatic event, the American and Soviet ambassadors raced each other in a foot race. The American ambassador won.

The Soviet foreign ministry also put out a statement on the race:

At a Swedish diplomatic function, the Soviet and American ambassadors were two of the participants in a foot race. The Soviet ambassador came in second place, while the American ambassador finished next to last.

I know that it isn't exactly it. But that's basically it. I heard it a long time ago.

The basic facts are all correct. So at least the Soviets were a bit more honest.

I'm starting to miss the post-Cold War world already. And no, I don't miss the Cold War. Anybody who talks about the "simplicity" of the Cold War as a positive feature outweighing the danger doesn't know what they are talking about in either the danger or simplicity. All the people who accuse conservatives of missing the Cold War are even dumber.