Sunday, March 02, 2014

A Little Bit Invaded

I find it amazing that television pundits seem to be settling on the notion that it is okay (if regrettable) if Russia "only" seizes Crimea from Ukraine, and it only becomes unacceptable if Russia tries to seize eastern Ukraine. WTF?

UPDATE: Okay, I've been watching CNN the last several hours. They've gone from Sillytown to Areyoukiddingmeville by discussing how it is important to de-escalate the crisis now that Russia has "complete operational control" of Crimea.

So what the CNN hosts and guests are saying is that it doesn't really count as a war since Russia imposed this control without firing a shot. So if Ukrainian troops have to shoot to drive the Russians out of their own country, that counts as escalation.

UPDATE: Monday morning, I read this:

The Russian takeover of Crimea was relatively easy, in part because the Ukrainian military was careful not to respond to a provocation that would excuse any larger intervention.

Ponder that stupidity. Russia invades Ukraine and takes over the entire transportation network of Crimea without firing a shot, yet an attempt by Ukraine's military to resist would have "provoked" a larger intervention.

The invasion and takeover has been minimized to a mere "provocation" that Ukraine was wise to ignore.

Pray tell, why would Russia bother with a larger intervention if the small subliminal invasion takes over the entire region, and reporters seem to laud the victims for being careful not to provoke more?

UPDATE: And as Russia flies in troops to secure their objectives in Crimea, President Obama will fly into Boston to achieve his objective--political donations.