Sunday, February 02, 2014

All is Proceeding as Planned

Don't you worry your little anti-Obama head over the Syria deal. All is proceeding as planned:

Just 4.1 percent of Syria’s estimated chemical-weapons arsenal has been moved out of the country, multiple deadlines have been missed, and the operation is running six to eight weeks behind schedule, but White House chief of staff Denis McDonough assured Major Garrett this morning that the U.S. and Russia’s deal with Syria is “not falling apart.”

“We’d like to see it proceed much more quickly than it is,” McDonough said, but he maintained the deal still remains a “very important development” in part because it involved Syria’s acknowledging that it had a chemical-weapons arsenal.

Falling apart? Don't be silly. The deal is proceeding exactly as Russia and Assad planned.

The deal is buying time for our new partner in Damascus to continue killing and starving Syrians into submission. The body count has surpassed 136,000 (civilians, security forces, rebels, and jihadis), according to one recent estimate.

And note that frightening comment that just getting Assad to admit he had chemical weapons was a part of the success. Is that how we will judge the Iranian final deal? I mean, Iran doesn't even admit to having a nuclear weapon program under the interim deal. Is this the new measure of success?

Why I don't drink heavily is beyond me.