Saturday, February 22, 2014

Don't Admit the Premise

We're smart enough not to give Maduro an excuse for his absolute failure as a leader of an absolutely failed government attempting to implement absolutely failed socialist theories, aren't we?

Venezuela is failing (tip to Instapundit):

Venezuela's cities are convulsed with riots. A local beauty queen was shot in the head during protests over . . . well, everything: chronic shortages of basic goods, increasing repression of free speech by a government that clearly feels it cannot tolerate any dissent. She is not the only person to have been killed in recent days. The government is cracking down -- hard -- on any and all opposition.

It seems to me that this was always the inevitable end game to the disastrous policies of the late President Hugo Chavez.

Hugo's Mini-Me idiot savante, Maduro, blames America for his many self-inflicted problems.

So are we dumb enough to fall for Maduro's ploy to pretend that his problems stem from us?

Venezuelan leader Nicolas Maduro has invited US President Barack Obama to join him in talks aimed at resolving the problems between the two countries.

Mr Maduro said the meeting would help "put the truth out on the table".

He has accused US conservatives and media organisations of plotting to overthrow his government.

The truth? He can't handle the truth. Venezuela's problems start at Maduro. (well, they started with Hugo Chavez. But Maduro has the throne, now.)

I'm sure Kerry will scurry down to Venezuela, oblivious that his mere presence in talks accepts the premise of Maduro's offer--that we are to blame.

Of course, the question is, do Maduro and President Obama believe the same BS?

On the other hand, if we won't play the role of scapegoat, Maduro might pick on the Dutch.