Wednesday, February 19, 2014

The Burning Sensation Means the Hope is Working!

Wait. What? President Obama's America is responsible for Venezuela's economic implosion?

Who knew?

Despite five years of Obama Administration "smart diplomacy," Venezuela's deteriorating socialist regime is following a classic script as its replacement caudillo blames America for his own regime's legacy of economic folly, domestic repression, corruption and criminal turpitude.

That America should continue to serve as a gangster clique's scapegoat ought to surprise no one except the gullible frumps who thought Barack Obama's presidency would reset relations with Russia, reduce the cost of health insurance and end the ocean's rise. For over 200 years, "blame America" has been the baseline propaganda ploy of dictators and corrupt oligarchs confronting the impoverishing consequences of looting their own countries and brutalizing political opponents.

The people of Venezuela are gradually realizing that Hugo's insane clown posse couldn't pour water out of a boot if the instructions were written on the heel. But Mini Me Maduro chosen to succeed Chavez will do what it takes to hold power:

Maduro and his Chavista clique, however, will continue the crackdown. Why? Because unjust justice, poverty, their paramilitary thugs, socialist looting and crony drug smuggling aren't the source of Venezuela's problems. No, America is. On Feb. 17, Maduro's regime declared three U.S. "personae non gratae" and expelled them. The U.S. diplomats were accused of organizing the protests and plotting against Venezuela. In September 2008 (Bush Administration), Chavez expelled the U.S. ambassador for supporting anti-Chavez political groups. The Bush Administration said no, the U.S. ambassador was supporting freedom.

On Feb. 18, Obama's State Department rejected Maduro's accusations and said the U.S. supports "fundamental freedoms."

Hope, change, and smart diplomacy are way different than unilateral cowboy diplomacy, it seems.

Read the whole thing, as the saying goes.

But hey, Maduro will always have Sean Penn. And Danny Glover, of course.