Saturday, April 13, 2013

A Nuanced Difference

The Senate-- a Democrat-majority club for millionaires, it seems, if you'll recall--has its priorities:

“The Senate has severely scaled back the Stock Act, the law to stop members of Congress and their staff from trading on insider information, in an under-the-radar vote that has been sharply criticised by advocates of political transparency.”

A reader comments:

This is symptomatic of the bigger and very true point you make in the legal protection for 401ks post: behavior changes dramatically when we don’t expect growth. It’s a fight for share. Thus politicians fighting so hard to preserve their information advantage in the public markets.

Old ways to get rich:

Invent good stuff.

New ways to get rich:

Insider trading.
Taxes and rents.
Capital raids.

The House, controlled by Republicans, is reported to be on track to voting for a similar bill. Well, inside every Representative is a Senator waiting to be born, I suppose. Why not get a head start on that net wealth thing?

Remember when "trickle down" was a slam at the Republicans who figured a rising tide lifts all boats?

Yeah, pissing all over the rest of us is way different.

But look on the bright side: here we have a bipartisan moment uniting both sides of the aisle without tarnishing their money grab with mere political squabbling. Ah, progress.