Friday, April 19, 2013

Mission Accomplished?

After four innocent people were killed, the second bomber has been captured in a Boston suburb.

This part of the drama is over:

After a day-long manhunt that completely shut down the city of Boston, police nabbed the 19-year-old suspected Marathon bomber, who was hiding out in a boat in a Boston suburb.

I assume it is too early to assume we have everyone involved. Capturing the man will help find out if that is the case.

It is sad that people we welcomed into our country turned on us so viciously. This is the depth of the hatred that we have fought for the last dozen years with no end in sight. We can pretend we are ending wars abroad. But the war will be waged here if our enemies can manage it.

And it does no good to believe we are responsible for the irrational anger that motivates murder. It is almost comical that the car that the bombers seized had a "COEXIST" bumper sticker on it!

I don't understand why these are popular with those on the left. At one level it is harmless. The car owners want to coexist. Fine. But the problem is that the people who plant bombs at races or fly planes into buildings don't want to coexist. I'd be far happier if Moslems overseas put COEXIST bumper stickers on their cars. Wouldn't that be more effective?

It is good that we got the two bomb planters. But it's called the Long War for a reason. Don't doubt that for a second. And don't plan the victory parade just yet.

UPDATE: Related thoughts from Mark Steyn. Remember kids, just like putting a sticker on your rear windshield indicating that you donated to a police charity doesn't keep police from stopping you and giving you a speeding ticket; having a COEXIST sticker on your bumper doesn't make jihadis think, "Hey, these are tame Infidels here. We'll pass over them and terrorize someone else."

Even living in deep blue Massachusetts where COEXIST stickers are probably standard on any new vehicle purchase, jihadis will kill you. After 9/11 some on our left were baffled that jihadis would strike New York City rather than Dallas where the Red State recruits for our military live. But the jihadi view of us still hasn't changed much in all this time: we all believe alike to them. So they figure, "Just kill them all--let Allah sort them out."