Friday, April 19, 2013

Think About It

That guy Maduro lacks the charisma and brain power of his predecessor, the hideous dolt Hugo Chavez. Did Maduro really think through the logic of his charges against President Obama (tip to Instapundit)?

Seven people were killed and more than sixty injured during sporadic riots over the past couple days, following the controversial election of Hugo Chavez’s chosen heir, Nicolas Maduro, to the Venezuelan presidency. Already faced with allegations of vote rigging and the surprisingly narrow margin with which he won office, Maduro turned to a tactic from page one of his predecessor’s playbook: blame the United States.

“The (U.S.) embassy has financed and led all these violent acts,” Maduro said on Venezuelan television.

One: Hope and change. Really? Saint Obama is behind the unrest?

Two: I pray for a president willing to fight anti-American thugs with whatever we have available.

And three: If we really wanted to hurt Venezuela, we'd have engineered a decisive Maduro victory instead of the razor-thin margin that the Venezuelan government reported.

Unless Maduro has evidence that tens of thousands of voters inexplicably cast votes for Pat Buchanan, Maduro should just shut his pie hole.

And allow a recount under the eyes of someone other than Jimmy Carter.