Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Well, If It Affected You ...

This is not their finest hour:

One in four of the elite runners who'd spent months training for the Boston Marathon couldn't cross the finish line and collect their medals before the blasts ended the race.

For those 5,742 people, Kalsow included, it was a frustrating end to a day that was supposed to end in celebration.

"It's heartbreaking because you train so hard," runner Paula Smart told

Smart, who was running the marathon to celebrate turning 40 on Friday and giving birth to twins one year ago, said she was sidelined at mile 25.

"I'm angry and I'm disappointed," she said. "But you have to be thankful you have your life and your family."

Yes. Let's try to focus on you not being dead while others are dead or maimed. I do believe some who reached the finish line in time to absorb some nails and ball bearings would happily trade for your anger and disappointment.

And if you can't get past your own anger and disappointment over not finishing a race that was bombed, at least have the sense to keep your selfish thoughts to yourselves.

What self-centered jerks.