Saturday, February 02, 2013

We Have That Effect

As long as we are reasonably still committed to assimilating immigrants rather than encouraging Balkanization by discouraging assimilation, I don't worry too much about the loyalty of our Moslem population.

I've noted before that Islamists would be horrified to see--as I do where I live--head-scarved Moslem women driving their mini-vans. The appeal of our culture abroad certainly applies--more intensely--here at home.

And the "corrupting" influence of America continues to make inroads (tip to Instapundit):

Islamic clothing is getting a bit more hip in Southern California.

Home to one of the largest Muslim communities in the nation, the Southland has become fertile ground for a new generation of designers crafting clothes for women who are limited by faith and conviction from flashing too much skin. ...

"Trying to conform to Muslim dress codes, you get stuck in a rut of black, black, black all the time," said Ahmed, 26. "It's definitely very difficult, especially in the U.S. You want to fit in, but still be appropriately dressed." ...

Secor said Islamic laws mandating modesty are open for wide interpretation. In Saudi Arabia, most women wear abayas and many also cover their hair with hijabs, she said. In Turkey, on the other hand, some young women dress in skintight bodysuits with strappy sundresses on top.

Nice try. But the Islamists share the view of Henry Ford about cars--you can have your abayas and burkas in any color you want--as long as it's black.

Once you make choices about seemingly ordinary things like clothing rather than submitting to the "interpretation" of the Islamists, you get used to making choices about a lot of things. That's what America is supposed to be about, no?