Monday, July 02, 2012

That Critical Last Part

Global warming has its own label here, on a blog noticable for a lack of labels. My basic view on the whole thing--which warmists call being a "denier"--is this:

As I've said many times before, even if science can establish that global temperatures have increased over a long enough period to be meaningful and even if science can establish we caused the significant temperatures to rise and even if science can establish that overall rising temperatures are bad rather than neutral or good, the solutions that governments and people should pursue to correct that actual, man-caused problem is still a matter for debate rather than simply being a matter of science that is settled.

The warmists have spent years slamming America for failing to go along with the global suicide pact that is their solution for combating what they see as our rush to Armageddon by spewing carbon dioxide into the air. The rest of the world, with their windmills and carbon trading schemes, are surely doing better than bad 'ol America which has sold its soul to rich oil companies who buy the loyalty of all those deniers (and thank you, BP, for the checks and hookers, BTW).

Some fools even pine for the chance to have those Chinese green-thinking, reasonably enlightened despots "just for a day" to give America a chance to slow our greenhouse gasses production.

Obviously, notwithstanding the fact that global temperatures have not risen since the late 1990s, America must be charging forward in spewing more and more carbon dioxide into our air, right?

Not so fast (tip to Instapundit):

Much to the surprise (and, one suspects, the chagrin) of the deranged doomsaying wing of the environmental movement, new forecasts of US CO2 emission are out and they point to an even steeper drop than the last set of predictions.

No cap and trade, no huge new taxes on oil, no draconian driver restrictions, no air conditioning bans, no rationing — and the US is on track to cut its CO2 emissions 17 percent below the 2005 levels by 2020 — and to keep cutting our emissions levels beyond that.

And this news doesn’t come from embattled climate skeptics banished to the fringes of the scientific community; these numbers come from the Obama administration and are sitting right up on Don Lashof’s well respected blog at the National Resource Defense Council website. Take a look for yourselves.

So, to summarize, the United States of America basically blew the global greens off completely, trampling all over their carbon tax and cap and trade agendas, and earning wails and shrieks of hatred at the Rio+20 Summit — while making huge strides toward reducing CO2 emission levels.

Huh, the solutions that the warmists said we had to pursue weren't adopted and America is still on track to reducing CO2 emissions?

I guess being America for 365 days a year isn't so bad for our planet. Fancy that.

Those warmist lunatics and tyrant fanboys can just bite me. How long before they go back to the threat of a new ice age as a reason to let them control our lives and economies? In the end, they just want to coerce us into doing what they want us to do, and they don't really care what the objective is.

UPDATE: Of course, our glorious success in reducing CO2 emissions may be for nothing since the Chinese and others in Asia affect our temperatures more:

There is a just-published study that provides evidence that air pollution emanating from Asia will warm the U.S. as much as or even more than all U.S. greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

Such a result effectively renders all EPA and other efforts at mitigating climate change in the U.S. by limiting homegrown GHG emissions mute.

Funny. Some here wish we could be China for a day to solve our global warming problem. Yet here we have China being China for 365 days per year and we get hosed. Huh.

Oh, if only China could be America for a day. Of course, the Chinese rulers may worry about just that.