Saturday, July 21, 2012

Tuareg Awakening

Northern Mali is in bad shape. The Tuaregs had hoped for independence and instead got jihadis who are intolerant of pretty much anything but praying and killing Infidels. The Tuaregs chose their allies poorly.

The ECOWAS and southern Mali forces training for operations in the vast north number only 4,500. Without a regiment of French Foreign Legion to spearhead the assault, I don't think that force is capable of scattering the jihadis and their still-allied Tuareg forces.

But the Tuaregs seem to be having second thoughts about independence under the conditions they have. I've read Tuaregs may be willing to turn on the jihadis if the Tuaregs get more autonomy within Mali.

That would satisfy a lot of concerns about the status quo. No African state wants secession to set a precedent. No regional states want jihadis to set up shop and spread unrest. No Western state wants a jihadi haven. Southern Mali wants to restore the country. And northern Mali wants a better deal but doesn't want jihadis to run their lives.

Could there be a Tuareg Awakening?