Wednesday, June 06, 2012

It is Now Tradition

Last Friday, Lamb brought home a flyer for the local Maker's Faire. Tinkerers, inventors, and creative types display their stuff. This is the third or fourth year that I've taken Lamb there. She really likes it.

Although I'm not sure if the displays or the opportunity to get a hot dog is the main draw.

This year it was a Mexican corn dog.

The fair was smaller than usual, so we walked through quicker than usual. Lamb made a small lamp, colored a picture, and rode a home-made compressed air tricycle that she could barely fit on:

So far this hasn't sparked an interest in tinkering. Although she did bring up a motorized tank chassis kit I have at home that Mister never really wanted to build. We'll see if I can get her interested in that. Actually, if she likes that, I might have to go to the build-your-own-robot kit route. Those were pretty cool. Lamb tried those out again this year. Last year, the autonomous fighting robots were more fun.

The coolest things I saw this year were actually the air guns that shoot out a plug of air. They seem pretty simple, really. The coolest of those was the air-plug Gatling gun with four rotating barrels mounted on a tripod. Very clever.

It's nice to have a father-daughter tradition.