Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Bring It On?

I understand that many critics of President Obama going on about how bad-ass he was to order the admiral to make the call on ordering the SEALs to kill Osama bin Laden have a point.

But it is too late for our president to man up, really.

But what gets me is that the president's supporters aren't outraged. They were enraged that President Bush said "bring it on" when asked about the budding insurgency in Iraq. What a cowboy, they said.

As if showing fear in the face of the enemy would help our troops or discourage the enemy. It was a BS complaint.

But why aren't the Obama fans outraged that President Obama killed bin Laden--thus creating more jihadis as the Left always claimed rather than ending the war on terror as the Left likes to argue now--and is boasting he did the job and others would not have?

What with the president's attempts to turn speeches into revival meetings (what's with that "can I get an Amen" stuff?) added to the bin Laden boasts, we can rightly ask who is clinging to God and guns now?

While I'm grateful that President Obama ordered the kill shot and that it worked, it is a bit late in the day for President Obama to claim the cowboy aura he dismissed for so long.