Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Restoring Our Reputation Abroad

I get the feeling that Obama's foreign policy team are so used to thinking that we deserve any condemnation for our policies from any enemy that they honestly have no idea how to be a good ally (tip to Instapundit) of a country that is on our side:

Just a week ago the establishment media was aflutter with news that a CIA double-agent had thwarted a new type of underwear bomb attack targeting U.S. flights in a plot devised by al-Qaeda of the Arabian Peninsula. ...

As the story broke, the establishment media was more than happy to attribute the intelligence coup to the CIA and the Obama administration, describing the mole as a “CIA informant.”

It turns out that wasn’t true. The double-agent hadn’t been recruited and placed by the CIA, but by British intelligence, who also managed the operation. In fact, the Americans had only recently been made aware of the joint British-Saudi effort.

The leaks about the operation from the American side have infuriated British intelligence officials, who had hoped to continue the operation.

I hope the British don't expect an apology from this administration over that betrayal. That could only happen if the British engage in terrorism to kill Americans and threaten to turn New York City into a sea of fire with their nukes. Do that and he'll apologize for winning the Battle of Saratoga in 1777.

The British had better hope that President Obama doesn't desperately need the votes of Massachusetts Irish Catholics to win that state's electoral votes this fall. Lord knows what he'll do to the British if that comes about.