Sunday, May 20, 2012

Plan B

It looked like the pool at Casa Dignified was open. Lamb was ecstatic. Mister was pleased in his more reserved teenager way.

So we headed out with the new key card to get through the gates.

But alas, the pool--while filled and looking very pool-like--was closed. At least I knew my new access card worked.

So I went to Plan B and hauled out the slip and slide that I bought for last year but never used. One, the ground was so soggy last summer that I dared not use it lest I wreck the grass. And two, we used the pool a lot so didn't need it.

Mister watched a hockey game while I set up Plan B. And Lamb had a ball after at first wondering how the heck you use it--it had been a couple years since she'd use one.

Plan A will be great. But it is nice to know that Plan B can work, too.