Monday, December 06, 2010

What Else Do You Have?

With Assange holding out purportedly damning files in case he is arrested, I have to wonder about whether they have anything truly bad about us.

I ask because I wonder if WikiLeaks is so blinded by anger at America that they truly believe the leaks they've engineered so far were supposed to damage us.

Strategypage has much the same judgment about the leaks so far:

The leaked documents were meant (according to the Wikileaks leader) to embarrass the United States and expose American hypocrisy and underhanded operations, but the result was quite the opposite. The U.S. was shown trying to do what it said, publically, that it was trying to do. But many other nations were shown to be quite different in their private conversations, than in their public ones.

While past performance is certainly no prediction of future results, I'm tempted to say we should arrest the guy just to get the "insurance" files released.