Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Our UN in Action

It may take years after the fact for the UN to become aware of a situation, but they do take action eventually.

The latest episode of their grasp of the bleeding obvious comes over the liberation of Iraq from Saddam's despotic hands:

The U.N. Security Council gave a unanimous vote of confidence Wednesday to the significant strides Iraq has taken by lifting 19-year-old sanctions on weapons and civilian nuclear power.

The council also decided to return control of Iraq's oil and natural gas revenue to the government next summer and to settle all remaining claims over the controversial oil-for-food program[.]

You really can't slip anything by the sharp eyes of the sainted international community.

Although to be fair to the UN, I suppose this delay in normalizing Iraq's relations with the wider world did give us leverage over the last 7 years in shaping Iraq's political system.