Friday, December 17, 2010

Renaissance Man

Already a demonstrable idiot on foreign policy matters, Fareed Zakaria directs his Giant Brain at domestic American policies (tip to Instapundit).

Sure, Zakaria has a point that we will have to learn to consume less (a trade deficit can't go on forever at high levels), but he really seems to conflate that problem with government over-spending. Should Americans import less on credit? Sure. But Let's try getting our government's "consuming" (spending) in line with "income" (taxes) before we put the blame on Americans and insist we pay more to maintain higher government spending.

I swear, our elites more and more betray their resentment that the American people elect our officials rather than the other way around. In the view of Zakaria and his ilk, all would be swell if the elites could select the American people.