Friday, December 17, 2010

Mad Dog

China's little pet psycho-state is issuing more threats:

Uriminzokkiri, the official website of the communist state, said in a commentary seen Friday that war on the Korean Peninsula is only a matter of time.

"Because of the South Koreans' reckless war policies, it is not about war or peace on the Korean peninsula but when the war will break out," the website said.

"If war breaks out, it will lead to nuclear warfare and not be limited to the Korean peninsula," it said in a posting dated Thursday.

One, I doubt that North Korea has nuclear weapons. They may have nuclear devices, but I don't think they have anything they can deliver on anything other than a railroad flatcar.

Two, threats like this that go beyond even their usual bleating about turning Seoul into a sea of fire and encompass Japan and possibly American territory, provide all the justification we need for a preemptive strike on North Korea's nuclear infrastructure if it looks like the Pillsbury Nuke Boy or his evil spawn will get nukes before they collapse.

Third, we should quietly pass word to the North Koreans through their Chinese leash-holders (ineffective though they are in yanking that leash back) that if North Korea even attempts to fire a nuclear weapon at South Korea, Japan, or America (if we shoot it down or it falls off target in the sea, it still counts as an attack on us) we'll slag every major North Korean military base and nuclear site with our own nukes; and we'll smart bomb or MOAB every compound of the elite to make them pay the ultimate price for their mad doggery.

We shouldn't descend to their level by nuking North Korean cities, but we'll have to use nukes. And follow up with regime change to make sure North Korea can't go for another round in the future with more nukes.

While I think we could probably deter North Korea even if they get nukes, we can't rule out the possibility that their aggressive rhetoric is more than just words. If they are only waiting for the means to make good on their constant threats, we have to be prepared to put down that frothing mad dog for the safety of everyone.