Wednesday, December 01, 2010

China for a Day

South Korea believes North Korea will attack them again, even as US-South Korean exercises in the Yellow Sea ended without a North Korean violent reaction; yet China blocks the sainted international community from officially taking notice of North Korean nuclear advances and the unprovoked shelling of South Korea's island:

"Against the wishes of the vast majority of the Security Council members, China is blocking any action on the uranium enrichment plant and there is not much hope of any talk about the attack," a diplomat told the AFP news agency.

"It [China] says it is unacceptable to condemn or even express concern over North Korea. Council talks have come to a standstill. It is now very likely that the Security Council will do nothing about North Korea," the diplomat added.

China is simply not going to help us solve the North Korean problem, and we'd best just move on rather than begging Peking for positive action.

UPDATE: As if we didn't know this, China has no problem with how North Korea acts:

"The traditional friendship of China and North Korea has withstood the tests of international tempests and changes and replenished itself over time," Wu Bangguo, China's chief legislator, told a visiting North Korean delegation, China's main official newspaper, the People's Daily, reported on Thursday.

I can imagine words much like this coming from Peking should Pyongyang use chemical weapons or a nuke on South Korean civilians.