Saturday, December 27, 2008

Smells Like ... Victory

An article in the Telegraph about how we've been winning the war on terror under Bush.

The Lefties in the comments who see nothing but defeat are perplexing to me, as I wrote in the comments:

"We've (America and our allies) defeated Saddam's Iraq and Taliban Afghanistan, disarmed Libya, turned Pakistan to an imperfect ally, stopped the Khan nuclear network, strung out North Korea until they are too weak to invade South Korea (and, no, they don't have nuclear weapons as their test fizzled), broke al Qaeda in Iraq, beat back Iran's attempts to control Iraq, kept jihadis from seizing power in any Moslem state, let Europe try to talk Iran into giving up nukes [and] so showing this path is barren, discredited jihadi ideology, and have broken up numerous enemy attempts to kill us in the West.

If this isn't victory, as so many on the Left here are asserting, one has to wonder if they are rooting for the West to win at all."

Do read the article. Nile Gardiner is a brave man to express such comments in today's Europe.