Monday, November 05, 2007

I've Got Questions

Too many people are obsessed with the question of why jihadis hate us.

Christopher Hitchens doesn't think much of the idea that jihadis flock to shoot at us in Afghanistan or Iraq because we have troops in those places. After all, such an explanation wouldn't explain the jihad in Thailand:

Perhaps someone will identify for me which Thai and Buddhist—or Western imperialist—crimes have led to this sudden development. Or perhaps it will be admitted, however grudgingly and belatedly, that there is something sui generis about Islamist fanaticism: something that is looking for a confrontation with every non-Muslim society in the world and is determined to pursue it with the utmost violence and cruelty. It is also seeking a confrontation with some Muslim states and societies.

I make the latter point with deliberation. Afghanistan has a constitution that reserves special privileges for Islam. Most Afghan women still cover at least their heads. Even those who fought long and hard against the Taliban and al-Qaida—the Northern Alliance forces, for instance, or the Shiite Hazara—are intensely Muslim by any non-Muslim standard. But that does not suffice to protect them from the attentions of suicide-murderers and throat-cutters, recruited from as far away as Chechnya or even the Muslim areas of China. So, can we hear a bit less about how the jihadists are responding only to those who "target" Muslims or who are "Islamophobic"?

Really, we need to simply ask why jihadis hate.

And if I get to ask another question, I'd really like to know why our Left loves the jihadis so much.

Hitchens answers one of my questions. I hope he answers my other questions.