Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Why Do They Love Them?

In the war on terror, the proper question isn't why do they (the jihadis) hate us (the West)?

The proper question is why they (the Left) love them (the jihadis)?

I tend to focus on how worthless the Left is in the war in Iraq. Yet even though the Left likes to pretend that Iraq distracts us from the real war on terror, the Left is actually less than worthless in this fight that they claim they want to wage:

Yet it is ironic and discouraging that many non-Muslim, Western intellectuals--who unceasingly claim to support human rights--have become obstacles to reforming Islam. Political correctness among Westerners obstructs unambiguous criticism of Shariah's inhumanity. They find socioeconomic or political excuses for Islamist terrorism such as poverty, colonialism, discrimination or the existence of Israel. What incentive is there for Muslims to demand reform when Western "progressives" pave the way for Islamist barbarity? Indeed, if the problem is not one of religious beliefs, it leaves one to wonder why Christians who live among Muslims under identical circumstances refrain from contributing to wide-scale, systematic campaigns of terror.

Indeed. How can our Left insist they just want to be free to focus on the real war against terrorism when the Left doesn't think there is anything wrong with the Moslem world that spawns the terrorism the Left claims they want to fight?

We are far stronger than our enemies. But we lack a uniform confidence that we deserve to win that will allow us to apply our power to achieve victory. And the main problem is that our Left just doesn't think our enemies deserve to lose or that we deserve to win. Our Left can't forgive any flaw of ours no matter how small and our Left can't condemn and flaw of our enemies no matter how large.

Maybe convincing our Left that our society is superior is the real war we must win.