Sunday, November 18, 2007

Western War Propaganda

You remember the shot seen 'round the world of a young Palestinian boy shot by the evil Jews as his father vainly tried to shield him with his body? French television was all over the story with a heart rending film catching the crime as it happened.

Well, the tyke never bought the farm, it seems (tip to the Corner). He could easily be available for Redacted II:

Suffice it to say here that the iconic image of the child Mohammed al Durah, pictured crouching with his father behind a barrel next to a concrete wall in an apparently vain attempt to shelter from the gun-battle between Israel and the Palestinians that was raging around them before he was allegedly shot dead by the Israelis, served to incite terrorist violence and atrocities around the world after it was transmitted by France 2 at the beginning of the second intifada. Yet it is clear to anyone looking at this in detail that the whole thing was staged, not least from the devastating evidence here which shows the boy raising his arm and peeping through his fingers seconds after the France 2 correspondent Charles Enderlin said he had been shot dead.

Given that any little thing will incite jihadis to riot and kill, you have to wonder why they had to go for the staged money shot of a dead kid. Fake but accurate, I'm sure.

Unfortunately, we go to war with the news industry we have and not the news industry we wish we had.

Sometimes I long for the good old days when our side's propaganda was used to help our side in a war. Good God, am I a dinosaur or what?