Tuesday, November 01, 2005

We'll Need Bucky Balls for This Violin

With yet another story about the sad plight of the jihadi SOBs imprisoned in Gitmo, I remain unmoved by their plight:

Dossari's suicide attempt two weeks ago is believed to be the first such event witnessed by an outsider at the prison, and one of several signs that lawyers and human rights advocates contend point to growing desperation among the more than 500 detainees there. Lawyers believe Dossari, who has been in solitary confinement for nearly two years, timed his suicide attempt so that someone other than his guards would witness it, a cry for help meant to reach beyond the base's walls.

As if so-called human rights activists aren't working 24/7 to protect jihadi murderers already.

Let them get desperate and lose hope. Shoot, I don't know why we force feed them.

Look, I don't support torture. Never have. But holding stone cold murderers for as long as we choose when we are within our rights to shoot them on the battlefield rather than send them to Club Med does not offend me one bit.

Let them die. At least they won't take anybody with them.

And when they die, we can play the world's smallest violin for them. And with nanotechnology we can get those suckers pretty tiny.

They chose to purchase the all-day ticket to Jihadworld. We'll give them quite a ride for their investment.