Monday, November 14, 2005

There is No Second Place

Cliff May reports on the distasteful experience of going to Dublin to debate the America-haters in Europe:

We had gathered at the venerable University Philosophical Society of Trinity College, Dublin to debate the resolution: “This house believes that George W. Bush is a danger to world stability.”

But those tasked with defending the resolution were disinclined even to discuss what they clearly considered gross understatement.

It is simply astounding that this should be a quesion to debate by people who benefit from our defense of our civilization. That minds supposedly trained for critical inquiry could basically assume this statement is not only true but grossly understated is equally amazing.

But what I really find amazing is the title of the article, "Blaming America First."

While I'll grant that this is not a blow-by-blow account, I didn't see anybody else blamed for anything at all in this university debate. To be first, isn't a second required? I'd be perfectly happy to get into a rousing chant of "We're Number One!" but we seem to be the only country in the contest.

Really, America is the all-purpose culprit for anything that happens or does not happen anywhere in the world.