Sunday, November 06, 2005

It Takes a Village to Raise an Idiot

Given that major players on both sides of the aisle believed Saddam had WMD and argued this for many years before 9/11, it is a gross distortion and, yes, a lie, to try and claim that this administration faked evidence to trick the nation into war with Saddam's regime. The Plame pseudo-crisis is not a smoking gun for the lying and dying crowd no matter how much the Left wants to believe it is so.

I've already wondered why the District Idiot, Wilson, was sent on an important WMD-related mission to Niger.

I also wondered whether the CIA was incompetent or trying to destabilize our government.

Toensing (vis Instapundit) relates the events around Affaire de Plame and asks:

The CIA conduct in this matter is either a brilliant covert action against the White House or inept intelligence tradecraft. It is up to Congress to decide which.

As I said before, bring on the investigation. Somebody is lying and all those who are disappointed about the weak Fitzwah that failed to nail their desired victim will be shown to be backing liars themselves.