Monday, November 14, 2005

Coalition of the Willing

There are many fronts in the war on terror and many ways to fight terrorism.

So when a country will not help in one area, such as Iraq, I try to remember that we don't need everyone's help, everywhere, and at the same time; just enough of some of them everywhere at the same time.

Canada is stepping up in Afghanistan:

Canadian troops (about a thousand of them) have moved from Kabul to Kandahar, which is the largest city in the most pro-Taliban part of the country. Over the next three months, Canada will increase its troops strength in Kandahar to 2,000.

I do thank the Canadians for help willingly given in Afghanistan even as I wonder how so many Canadians can believe the EUroDeanian view of our fight in Iraq.

But we really aren't an empire able to coerce troop contributions from subject nations, despite the feverish rantings of some. We really are a Coalition of the Willing.