Monday, November 07, 2005

Lesson in Gratitude

Via Instapundit, this Hugh Hewitt interview with Victor Davis Hanson.

Hanson says that the French are stunned that Moslems don't appreciate the pro-Moslem stance of Paris enough to avoid rioting:

I was reading a lot of French papers, you know, when I was in Europe the last three weeks, and I think I would...I guess I would sum it up as just absolute bafflement. It's almost as if don't these people know that in the abstract, we help Hamas? Don't we know that we appease the Arab world? And why in the world since we are so pro-Arab, would they care whether they have a job in Paris or not? We are beyond criticism, because we're against the United States, and here they are attacking us, of all people.

So let me get this straight. The French are shocked that a people could be ungrateful to another people who helped them out?

I can only imagine the sense of betrayal they must feel.

Good luck guys. I wish you well. Really. But you're on your own this time.