Thursday, March 06, 2014

Ukraine Dressed Slutty So Got What She Deserved

Walter Duranty would be so proud of fellow New York Times writer Thomas Friedman.

Wow. Ukraine--and apparently the rest of the old Soviet Union's former vassals--basically deserves being invaded:

What disturbs me about Crimea is the larger trend it fits into, that Putinism used to just be a threat to Russia but is now becoming a threat to global stability. I opposed expanding NATO toward Russia after the Cold War, when Russia was at its most democratic and least threatening. It remains one of the dumbest things we’ve ever done and, of course, laid the groundwork for Putin’s rise.

Yeah, Russia would never have reverted to its long history of authoritarian government, virtually unblemished by episodes of democractic rule, if we had kept NATO west of the Oder River. Democracy would have flowered in Russia. The League of Women Voters Moscow Chapter would be the most powerful political body in Russia.

But those stupid eastern Europeans insisted on wearing those slutty NATO clothes, and Ukraine got what it deserved.

What? Ukraine didn't join NATO? Well, sometimes they looked like those other sluts. They were shopping for those daring EU halter tops. You just know Ukrainians had evil thoughts of being Western. It was only time before they dressed NATO slutty, too.

Really, who could expect Putin to resist his natural urges when presented with the sight of Ukraine strutting her stuff?

Oh, and Friedman proposes raising the gas tax--his solution to every problem but painful rectal itch--to resist Putin.

Tom Friedman has officially gone from being an embarassment to being just a disgusting man, joining the chorus of lefty writers who are twisting themselves to excuse (but never approve, of course!) Putin's asssault on a sovereign member of the sainted international community.

I suppose that means Friedman can make room on his mantle for a Pulitzer Prize for Russia reporting.