Monday, March 31, 2014

I Got Major Dad Points Friday

I've mentioned that Lamb likes to bake. So I took the opportunity to banish the Easy Bake oven (I've smiled and enjoyed--that's my story and I'm sticking to it--many cakes that came out of that device over the years) and set up a baking station on one counter in my kitchen. That was a major success.

When Lamb bought some cake decorating supplies and brought them over to our home, I figured I had to reorganize the baking process here. One counter I have is one I don't use much in the cooking process, so it seemed the prime candidate for adaptation.

Upon reflection, I should have gotten the hint when she gave me baking utensils for Christmas and then a cake pop mix for Father's Day.

Anyway. I removed from the counter a radio I never use, light-bulb oven (saving the bulb, of course!), napkin and oven pad bin, and first aid kit. Only the fire extinguisher, phone, and answering machine remained. That left plenty of counter space for Lamb's baking supplies.

I repurposed a couple tins already there, bought a couple air-tight containers, and moved baking supplies into a line across the back of the counter. Various measuring spoons and cookie cutters, flour, brown sugar, sugar, powdered sugar, small mixing containers, and decorating supplies. Everything was in a container of some sort.

And I brought out labels so Lamb could label them.

I was cooking dinner when Lamb came in after school, and so forgot to point out what I'd set up for her.

But she spotted it when she came in the kitchen, and reacted with an enthusiastic blind side hug and a "Thanks, Dad!" which reminded me that I'd set that up.

She labeled the containers happily, and she loved having a baking station with all her supplies lined up at the back of the counter. This was her territory, now.

That first day of the baking station was limited to baking cookies before dinner was ready, and then she made for her own dessert a small microwave "cookie" in a bowl from a YouTube video she'd watched.

Heck, even Mister had one of the big sugar cookies for dessert. Although he insisted it not be decorated.

Next week will be the cupcake kit in the cupboard. Lamb is eager to get going with the raw materials--she was already telling me I'd need to keep lots of powdered sugar on hand for frosting--but I told her we at least have to use up the kits in the cupboard first. I'm glad I picked up running again after that four-week hiatus.

And the Easy Bake is now banished to a closet as a half-way station to the landfill.

Oh, and just banish any unkind thoughts that this whole project was merely a ploy to justify getting rid of the Easy Bake oven. People are so cynical, sometimes.

Anyway, baking has been my dad job. That and individual tactical training in the summer.