Wednesday, June 06, 2012

What is Best in Wisconsin

Governor Walker and his supporters won the recall elections in Wisconsin. This is democracy. As opposed to the street mobs that for the last year and a half bizarrely claimed they were democracy. The lamentation of their men will do:

[NOTE: I switched out the video for another version more blog-friendly]

Typically for his side, if they don't win it doesn't really count as democracy.

The original classic:

I've never actually seen the movie, but that scene is great.

UPDATE: Thanks to Mad Minerva for the link. She's back from her undisclosed location. Also, with the recall election over, let's savor the civility from Walker's opponents.

UPDATE: Oh, and I should comment that this guy thinks his side was defending the future of democracy in America, and yet they were only willing to cough up $4 million to defend it? Pretty sad, dude.

UPDATE: More comedy gold (tip to Instapundit):

A "solidarity sing-along!"

The thought process that goes into thinking that is something worthwhile to do is simply alien to me.

UPDATE: OK, one last update. These are members of the "reality-based" community?

UPDATE: OK, one more. One reason that their thought processes are so alien is that I don't see President Obama as evil the way the Wisconsin activists view Walker and Republicans. I think President Obama's policies are wrong. I think he's essentially a socialist--a European-style social democrat (those who are outraged that Obama could be called a socialist seem to wrongly think "socialist" is a synonym for "communist"). I don't trust him. I am sick of his overly political approach to everything. And I think he shouldn't have been elected president. Mind you, I am deeply angry that our press corps has sided so totally with the man. But I don't actually hate Obama. And I think our republic will survive 4--or even 8--years of him in office.