Thursday, December 04, 2008

More Tales of the Newly Discovered Reality!

And the thrilling new series, Tales of the Newly Discovered Reality!, continues with new episodes.

First, this post that our 2009 plan is not so much to "end" the war in Iraq as "win" it and closing Guantanamo Bay without creating an alternative (admitting we need to hold those scum poets) isn't a great idea.

And there is this story that the charge of "torture" leveled at the Bush adminstration needs a little bit of nuance.

You know, it's almost as if President Bush was carrying out his constitutional responsibilities to defend our nation rather than shredding the constitution. How soon before our Left are sporting "Don't Blame Me, I Voted for Nader" bumper stickers?

Stay tuned for more exciting episodes of Tales of the Newly Discovered Reality!