It would be better if Moslems killed each other over religious arguments in their own countries without killing us, too. It would be sad, of course. But basically we'd think it's none of our business.
Arab state rulers realize radical Islamism is a threat to themselves:
Large-scale Islamic terrorism actually began in the 1970s and changed Arab attitudes towards this perennial problem. For the first time in a long time the wealthiest Arab states, namely those with oil in the Persian Gulf are recognizing that Islamic terrorism is not just an ancient problem that keeps recurring but, because of affluence and global communications, is a real threat to the lives of most Moslems and the wealth of the unprecedented number of Arabs who now have it.
But being hard targets while the jihadis run wild outside their security perimeter isn't real safety for them. Nor for non-Moslems. There is an Islamic civil war going on to define Islam in the modern world, and the West is collateral damage--and Red Shirts for the jihadis in their drama to win over Moslems.
Rather than telling Moslems what "true Islam" really means, the West should support the efforts within Islam to reform Islam as part of our own defense. Remember, it's them--not us.
NOTE: TDR Winter War of 2022 coverage continues here.
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