Thursday, September 30, 2021

Same As the Old Taliban

I guess we are finally going to get past the silly Taliban 2.0 moment.

This was just a stupid hope held by people eager to downplay the effects of a Taliban victory over America

The Taliban swept across Afghanistan claiming to be the honest and legitimate voice of the people, presenting themselves as a changed outfit and offering amnesty to opponents and vague promises of inclusivity and a commitment to allow women to study and work.



So spare me your fake shock at the wholly predictable reality: 

But in the weeks since the Taliban once again took control, growing evidence points to a broad and sometimes brutal crackdown as they settle old scores, stamp out opposition and try to force many Afghans to adhere to their strict interpretation of Islam.

And to add insult to injury, after years of claiming how awful America is, human rights activists admit America achieved something good for Afghans until the Biden skedaddle debacle: 

"The current situation in Afghanistan is a moment of reckoning — a moment when the human rights gains that the Afghan people have built over two decades is at risk of collapse," the [Amnesty International] report says.

Yeah, nice to know now, you twits.

But seriously, human rights in Afghanistan are at risk? Are these nimrods that dense?