Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Is China Willing to Escalate at Sea?

Will China provoke an American defense of our territorial waters in order to pretend that is precedent for China defending its faux territorial waters in the South China Sea?

That could be interesting:

China threatened to send warships into U.S. territorial waters (within 22 kilometers of land) because an American destroyer conducted another FONOP (freedom of navigation operations) in the South China Sea today near an artificial island China insists is now part of China. On September 1st China declared that its March 2021 law on access to the South China Sea was now in effect. The new law mandates foreign ships must register with China and obtain a permit before they enter the South China Sea. Those who fail to register would be subject to unspecified punishment.

American Coast Guard vessels and aircraft should prepare a warm welcome. The Navy and Air Force should be close at hand.

And close to China, American ships conducting FONOPs should have plenty of muscular overwatch

In case the Chinese try to pretend America defending territorial waters recognized by international law is the same as China defending its illegal claims to the majority of the South China Sea.