Monday, September 20, 2021

Have We Reached Rock Bottom?

If the Afghanistan skedaddle debacle doesn't convince America to forge a real military with real leaders, what scale of defeat is necessary?

 We should be very worried about our military (tip to Instapundit):

[Americans] are subjected to stories about how the military is making “diversity” rather than military effectiveness its primary goal. Or stressing “climate change.” They rightly wonder if there might be some connection between the Pentagon’s focus on such fads and the lack of military success in recent years. Does the Pentagon even care about military success? If it doesn’t, it should. Success on the battlefield is the only justification for a military. ...

The U.S. military is at a crossroads. Its leadership must validate the trust and respect in which it is held by the American people. It must confirm that it is the profession that it claims to be, rather than just another self-interested bureaucracy. It must demonstrate that it is an organization committed to success on the battlefield and not a laboratory for social change.  

So far our troops our fine. But our senior military leadership has become indistinguishable from its civilian woke counterparts, save for chests full of mostly bullshit medals.

But our enlisted troops and maneuver unit commanders will not continue to make the sacrifices they make for long if this keeps up.

What defeat will shake us from our woke stupor?

Have a super sparkly day.