Monday, December 10, 2018

Inspiring Strategic Autonomy

What would Europe (as a political entity) become without American influence?

Given that ejecting American influence in military matters by making an EU army to marginalize NATO where America is dominant will be part of the means to that political goal, you have to consider whether Europe will reject the American influence that made freedom and democracy on the continent something we--wrongly--assume is the natural order in Europe:

It is easy to forget--and this was a useful reminder to me--that Europe with its autocracies and monarchies was not fully part of a free West (although obviously part of the Western tradition) until we rebuilt Western Europe in that template after World War II. And NATO expansion after defeating the Soviet Union was more explicit in demanding democracy and rule of law for new members.

I was referencing this author's thoughts. I think the EU and their fans promote a European military in order to replace--not help--NATO and forge a pan-European identity and state (an empire, really) eventually. Getting rid of American influence is a necessary task to reach that objective.

The argument that talk by pro-EU politicians about a "European army" doesn't mean a European army is just nonsense:

“European army” is a term that is designed to be ambiguous. It is meant to inspire. The idea behind terms of this kind – “European strategic autonomy” is another – is to deliberately leave room for interpretation so that potential supporters can project their ideas into it and lend support to the concept, despite there being no agreement as to its actual meaning.

Oh good grief. Who wrote this unsigned condescending bullshit?*

Yes, EU apparatchiki want autonomy--from America. If they wanted autonomy from Russia they'd strongly back NATO, which actually defends them now. So they want an actual European "army"--well, security apparatus, including an army, navy, air force, coast guard, gendarme, and secret police--to get autonomy from America.

The America that rescued them from the Kaiser, Hitler, and Soviet Communism, and instilled democracy across the continent. Yeah, you're welcome.

Say, about that European "autonomy" that inspires Eurocrats:

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo brought the Trump administration's voice to a gathering of European leaders, offering a stinging criticism of the European order's capitulation to rogue nations such as Iran, China, and Russia.

Pompeo, addressing a gathering of NATO leaders on Tuesday, offered a sobering rebuke of the international treaty group, telling the crowd the Trump administration will not stand down in the face of rising threats from a host of rogue regimes.

And that's what they do now with America still strongly in Europe through a strong NATO. We'll get a lot more of that if Europe truly gets "autonomy" from America and our military power.

It has been a century-long American policy to keep a hostile power from gaining control of the vast economic, demographic, scientific, and military power of the continent, I don't see how turning the continent over to the EU's anti-American elites can possibly be good for America.

I continue to long for the days of the European Economic Community. That should have been the objective rather than a stepping stone to ever closer union that becomes an empire. 

*But don't become confused and think France would ever subordinate their nuclear weapons to the EU, as that article whitewashing the European army plan randomly puts in as a straw man. That is a bridge too far in the EU imperial project that France would like.