Monday, October 08, 2018

Real Power


Scotland's Court of Session has asked the European Court of Justice (ECJ) for a preliminary ruling on whether the British parliament can change its mind about leaving the European Union without the bloc's agreement, the Scottish court said on Thursday.

Britain's Conservative government is struggling to reach a deal with the EU on how it will leave the world's biggest trading bloc as the March 29 exit date approaches.

The European Union has that kind of power to nullify a popular British vote for Brexit and subsequent British actions to leave? And countries willingly grant the EU that power for not only "ever closer union" but for "forever union?"

Old Soviets, as I've noted, must be shaking their heads in awe and regret watching the EU in action:

I assume Putin, who considers the dissolution of the Soviet Union a historic catastrophe, is really jealous.

The Soviet Union relied on lots of tanks and secret police to keep their restive imperial provinces in line. And in the end it was not enough.

Who knew that 10,000 cheese regulations would have been more effective in tying the imperial provinces to the motherland?

If the court rules against Britain, I imagine the British will double down on getting out and that a lot of other EU subjects will start to wonder if they need to follow Britain out before the EU gets strong enough to enforce an EU court ruling like that against them.

I've long warned that the EU is a proto-imperial state eager to shed the prefix. If this works, we're past "proto" already.