Friday, September 07, 2018

The Ripley Option

Germany might react to the president Americans freely chose in a free election in 2016 by moving closer to dictatorial Russia and China? Good to know.

Good grief, the Germans have come down with a major case of Stupid:

Concern over the policies of U.S. President Donald Trump has shot to the top of an annual ranking of Germans' biggest fears, easily outstripping worries about refugees and terrorism, a survey showed[.]

Germany often disappoints me as an ally. But should I be grateful that Germany's military is in poor shape given that we waged two wars against them?

The longer Donald Trump stays in office, the higher the risk that anti-American forces will gain the upper hand in Germany and push it into the arms of Russia and China, veteran German diplomat Wolfgang Ischinger said in an interview.

So Germans are in danger of embracing mass-murdering totalitarians? Because of Trump?

Well, the Germans often tell us they can't be trusted with spending money on a military because of their Nazi past.

Maybe we should take them at their word and just pull back and nuke them from orbit.

Is it the only way to be sure?